About the Book
Badger and Turtle:
Face the Storm
Written by a therapist, Badger and Turtle Face the Storm follows a pair of friends who learn to work together under stress. This book is meant for not only children to enjoy, but as a tool for families to better understand a common, hurtful pattern that can occur, particularly between parents. By better understanding this pattern, it allows someone to be able change it more easily, resulting in a positive impact on the home environment.”
Publication Date
August 11, 2023
“The story’s message is loud and clear, or else understandable to be learned for the first time, especially when McMillan spells it out for the reader at the end. Using animals as the main characters instead of humans doesn’t lessen the moral shared while making it understood as not directed toward any specific reader but more generalized for a wider audience.” -ReaderReviewkids.com
“Note from Lydia (age 9) – I enjoyed reading “Badger and Turtle Face the Storm,” I thought it was a good story because of how the two friends worked together in the end and everything worked out. I could understand during the story when the friends weren’t getting along and what was wrong, and then I understood how they made things better among themselves. Kids of any age will enjoy this story because everyone gets scared and argues, and it is good for them to know how to feel better.”